We listen. We advise.
We work together

What We Do.
Instituto Perucano (IP) started from the need for an intentional space for young professionals to develop their soft and hard skills to be competitive in our global workplace. Experiential education. entrepreneurship and iteration are a principal ingredient of our organization’s DNA. We engage young professionals through opportunities within Peru and internationally to facilitate the opportunity to train professionals in Peru to progress towards the achievement of the United National Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG’s guide us and inform us of our collective work.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci augue. Suspendisse eu felis vitae nibh tincidunt maximus."


We have been able to transform over 520 lives through your support.
In 2016, an official leadership team started forming for Instituto Perucano (IP). The current members represent a growing need for innovative leadership for our communities and to address some of the most pressing issues facing society in Peru and globally.Our theory of change and contribution to society is through direct
facilitation of opportunities, knowledge and professional Our theory of change and contribution to society is through direct facilitation of opportunities, knowledge and professional development opportunities in Peru and throughout the world, so our community not only stays competitive in our globalizing society, but also leads in areas that affect their lives directly. We currently are working in areas of agriculture, education, environ and innovation.
Being a part of someone’s survival, someone’s empowerment, and making someone else’s dreams a reality is something that's value is innumerable.

Six projects undertaken with more coming up
We have more than 100 volunteers. Thanks to our volunteers who help to ensure our mission is achieved
Our Team is full of professionals who are passionate about what they do.

We Follow the Sustainable Development Goals.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci augue. Suspendisse eu felis vitae nibh tincidunt maximus.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci augue. Suspendisse eu felis vitae nibh tincidunt maximus.
SDG 1. No Poverty

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci augue. Suspendisse eu felis vitae nibh tincidunt maximus.
SDG 2. Zero Hunger

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci augue. Suspendisse eu felis vitae nibh tincidunt maximus.
SDG 3. Good Health & Well-Being

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci augue. Suspendisse eu felis vitae nibh tincidunt maximus.
SDG 4. Quality Education

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci augue. Suspendisse eu felis vitae nibh tincidunt maximus.
SDG 5. Gender Equality

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ac orci augue. Suspendisse eu felis vitae nibh tincidunt maximus.
SDG 6. Clean Water & Sanitation

Upcoming Events
- June 2024 - pre-register for updates!Iquitos