Perucano is MESA’s global partner representing Latin America and the Caribbean for young professionals to complete training programs in food systems that include production agriculture, community and education projects, research, as well as programs focused on innovation that addresses movement towards a sustainable supply chain. Training lasts up to 1 year in the United States and is facilitated through a partnership with the US Embassies. Partnership also includes access to an online certificate program in applied agroecokogy.

Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Development (MESA) - United States
Learn more about https://www.mesaprogram.org/
MESA - Our Mission
MESA cultivates a global grassroots network of food and farming leaders dedicated to reviving community food systems. Through experiential learning in agroecology and horizontal exchanges for food sovereignty, MESA links ancestral knowledge with innovation rooted in earth stewardship, equitable economies, and multicultural alliances worldwide.