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Shaping your 


Professional Development

We lead opportunities for Peruvians and global citizens to engage, share and train in Peru.  In addition, we facilitate opportunities for Peruvians to attend events, training and conferences internationally in areas that support the development of young professionals and community leadership.  In collaboration with locally and globally strategic partners we secure opportunities to subsidize or directly fund professional development opportunities, as well as we have a cost for service model for professional development in Peru.  We focus on health, human rights, education and sustainable food systems in Peru. In addition, we support proposals from individuals, businesses and organizations to further develop our current projects project areas.

A Selection of Training Opportunities

Social Media & Technology

Social Media

Brand management on Social Media (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn)

Provide examples of successful social media management tools and systems

Facilitate a participatory design process to support personal or organization branding

Social Media Etiquette

Discuss the values depth and breath of using social media tools and how they reflect a professional image on the world wide web

Facilitate discussions and scenarios to better understand the importance of positive social engagement and band management

How to use Google Suite

The difference between sheets, docs, forms and using email effective for personal communication or organization management

How to integrate google suite with other communication and project management tools like ASANA, SlACK, Zoom & Google Hangout


Social Capital 10

Plan development to refresh you social capital and make a pathway forward

Define what is social capital in the context assessing what resources you have at your disposal


Networking 101

How to prepare for networking events

How to select some professional development event over others

Case studies of successful and unsuccessful models on how to manage a business or organization will be discussed

Participatory design process to create a new, or refresh a current businesses or organizational model

Business planning 101

International Resources

International Resources

Apply for international job

What do you need to know when you apply for an international jobs

Testimonials of Peruvians that have successfully landed jobs internationally

What is study abroad and is it for me, including what types of opportunities are available

Create a plan and participate in a working session that includes action plan development

Applying to volunteer or study abroad

How to apply for international funding

What type of funding opportunities are available

Testimonials of Peruvians that have been successful applying for international funding and working session on creating your own action plans

Participatory design process to create a coaching plan for others you may lead, manage and support

Coaching & Mentorship

Discussing the importance of professional development and defining it within the context of your profession

Working session to learn about and develop individual or team professional development plans

Personal development planning

Team Building

Coaching others

Coaching MEntorshiip

Activities to model the importance of team building

Participatory design process to develop team specific goals and support to selecting needs for each team

Discuss theory of what it means to coach, manage or support someone else’s professional development plans

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