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Members & Leadership

We are a global team, passionate about what we do, who we work with and how we intentionally engage with all of our members and stakeholders in Peru, Honduras and around the world!

“If you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together”  ~African proverb 


Membership in action!

Everyone that supports the work of Perucano starts as a volunteer.  In order to launch an initiative into a project, they join as a member, which provides a mechanism to develop and even pitch their interests and projects to the assembly, the Executive Board members, International Advisory Board members, and other community leaders.  Our current projects and programs provide professional development opportunities and pathways to incubate new areas of our work.  All of our work is driven by our goals to realize the Sustainable Development Goals.

Our current program teams are focused on:

  • Sustainable Food Systems Center (Centro de Innovación en Sistemas Alimentarios Sostenibles - CISAS), based in Peru

  • Human Development Center (Centro de Desarrollo Humano - CDH), based in Honduras.

CISAS started as a project that successfully incubated into our first program, launched in 2018.

CDH will launch in August 2023.


Our members are incubating additional program areas that include:​

  • Community Health

  • Leadership & Global Citizenship


Below you will learn more about our executive leadership, program teams, international advisors, and our Latin American coordinators.

Instituto Perucano
Executive Board & Leadership

The core leadership of Perucano is represented by the Executive Board, the legal representaives of Instituto Perucano (RUC: 20605204318).  In order to form part of the board each member pledges time and resources to move the organization towards the development of current and future partnerships & projects.  


Executive Director, President

Luis Veintemilla photo (foto).jpeg

Director, Secretary

Program Team - CISAS Peru

CISAS focuses on advancing areas of agroecology, regenerative agriculture and sustainable food systems in Peru, Latin American & the Caribbean, and globally through regional programs, course offerings & global exchange opportunites to train in sustainable agriculture.

Rubila (pic).jpg

Director, Programs & Partnerships


Director, CISAS

Mary Cris Mayhua (1).jpeg

Director, External Relations

International Advisory Board

Similar to our Executive Board, our Advisory Board members serve as a moral compass to guide and advise our collective work.  Advisory Board members work as volunteers and mentors for our staff, as well as contribute social capital to move projects forward.  Before a project is approved, Advisory Board members shape projects and inform decisions of the Executive Board.

Amet (




Luis Alex.jpeg


Latin American Coordinators

Perucano regional coordinators lead regional programming & host local and international partners, volunteers and support logistics on the ground.  Luis & Hillary lead planning, travel, communication, representation, translation, and many other collaborative activities in Peru and throughout Latin America.

Luis Alfredo.jpeg

Regional Coordinator PERU & COLOMBIA

Hillary (

Regional Coordinator

Program Team - Honduras
Center for Human Development (CHD) 

              HDC focus... 


             Update - August 2023

Otoniel Mancia (Headshot).jpg

Assistant Director

Maria Luisa Gonzales Vega(Headshot).jpg

Director CHD

Bertilio Mancia (Headshot).jpg

Bertilio Mancia


Jaime Joel Martinez Ponce (headshot).jpg

Jaime Joel Martinez Ponce


Angel Rimay Mancia (headshot).jpg

Angel Rimay Mancia

Social Media & Artist-in-Residence

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